Announcing the First Annual 421 Chapbook Prize in Short Prose Judged by Mary Miller

Contest Judge Mary Miller

About the Prize:
421 Atlanta is now accepting submissions to its first chapbook prize in the short prose category. Both fiction and nonfiction manuscripts are eligible. The winning manuscript will be the debut prose release from 421 Atlanta. The deadline is February 15, 2014, and the winner will be announced in mid-March. The chapbook will be published in April or May 2014. The winner will receive a $250 honorarium, 25 author copies, and, if desired, a 3-day micro-residency at 421 Atlanta in April or May 2014, which will include a reading and release party.

How to Submit:
There is no fee to enter. Fiction, nonfiction, hybrid or experimental prose are all eligible for this prize. The finished book will likely be between 18 to 36 printed pages, but word counts of manuscripts may vary considerably depending on the length of each piece. Use good judgment and your knowledge of how chapbooks are. To ensure anonymous judging, your name should appear only on the title page of the manuscript. Send your manuscript as an attachment to an email to:

About the Judge:
Mary Miller is the author of two books, The Last Days of California and Big World, as well as two chapbooks of flash fiction, Less Shiny and Paper and Tassels. Her stories have appeared in McSweeney's Quarterly, the Oxford American, Mississippi Review, and others. A graduate of the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas, she will serve as the John and RenĂ©e Grisham Writer-in-Residence at Ole Miss for the academic year 2014-15.

About 421 Atlanta:
A new chapbook press, 421 Atlanta was founded in late 2013 by Amy McDaniel out of her house, the 421, a center of literary attention that also holds readings and other events. So far, the press has released Collected Adult Lessons by Amy McDaniel and Before You Were Born by Daniel Beauregard.